Blue Whale in Costa Rica
October 30th, 2012
Sting rays are a type of cartilaginous fish closely related to sharks. have flattened bodies and variety of colors as well as the ability to dig about in the sand, which facilitates them in successful camouflaging. Sting rays have eyes on top of their heads, and have sucking ability in some species whereas have powerful palates. The powerful palates help to break the shells of the mollusks and though the prey cannot be located by the sting rays through their eyes, they rely on their strong sense of smell and electro receptors for finding and pursuing the prey. Coral reefs are favorite spots for the sting rays for the colors in the coral reefs effectively camouflage the ray especially at the vulnerable time when it’s feeding on its prey. Sting rays produce young in the form of litters of three to thirteen and are ovoviviparous. Female sting rays have special ability to reproduce at any suitable time even long after the mating period is over. Generally unaggressive, sting rays are extremely curious creatures, and though they flee at the slightest disturbance, they have also been recorded to even brush past foreign devices placed in their paths. Sting rays respond immediately respond to their self defense, therefore, care should be taken while pursuing these stingy sting rays, because though their sting is not harmful if not targeted at a vital spot, it can cause serious inflammation and may require surgery.
One of the rays’ family is the sting ray, famous for its particular ‘stinging’ property. It is common in tropical, subtropical waters, warm temperate oceans as well is in the Pacific along the coast of Costa Rica whereas some types are restricted to freshwater. Due to their extensive hunting, these once abundant rays have now been included in the list of vulnerable and endangered species by IUCN. Classified in the sub order Myliobatiformes, Sting rays are famous for one or more barbed stings they have on their tails. The stings of sting rays can reach up to the lengths of 35 cm and have two grooves called venom glands on the underside. This sting has an additional layer of skin, the intergumentary sheath covering it, and it is this skin which stores all the venom which is projected through the venom glands. The prospect of getting stung by this fascinating creature is what adds the scary element to all the interest the divers may have for it. But the sting is used by the sting ray solely for self-defense purpose.
Costa Rica is hailed as one of the world’s most exotic places when it comes to the collection of marine and terrestrial organisms. With a huge coastline bristling with world’s most amazing diving sites full of nature’s treasures of warm waters and aquatic life, the coastline of Costa Rica is an eye-treat for all the nature-loving and fishing freaks out there. Warm water sports, spa facilities and an exuberant marine life are all the features which make Montezuma tour an unforgettable and a life-time experience. Montezuma, small town and former fishing village, has a wide collection of different types of sharks, rays, eels, and other aquatic animal species as its nutrient-rich water provides an ideal site for the growth and flourish of the swimming creatures.
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