Pilot Whales

The seaports on the pacific coast of Costa Rica have become popular among the tourists worldwide. Sunny days, shimmering beaches, a lush prehistoric range of rain-forests, and a vast ocean that is profuse with all sorts of sea animals imaginable are quite an attraction to the people. One of the reasons people come over to spend their holidays on the pacific coast is the opportunity to observe marvelous cetaceans. Some of the world’s largest members of oceanic dolphins reside in the tropical waters of Costa Rica’s pacific side. They include pilot whales, killer whales, false killer whales and humpback whales. Pilot whales belong to the genus Globicephala, a type of cetaceans. The whales have two existing species; the short-finned pilot whales (G. macrorhynchus) and the long-finned pilot whales (G. melas). Physically, they are not easily discernible and can be accurately differentiated after a thorough skull analysis. They are the second largest of the oceanic dolphins, coming after killer whales. Pilot whales and other large dolphins of the ocean are often called blackfish. Both species of the pilot whales, long-finned and short-finned, are found throughout the world. Long finned pilot whales are commoner in frigid regions while the short-finned pilot whales are found in tropical and subtropical waters. Pilot Whales have a dark grey, black to brown body, with a few patches of lighter areas like behind the dorsal fins on a saddle pitch, anchor-shaped light spot under the chin, a light flare behind the eyes, genital areas and on the belly. the dorsal fins of the pilot whales is present forwardly on the back that sweep in a backward direction. The flippers are sickle shapes and tail stocks are flattened on both sides. The bodies of pilot whales are sturdier than other oceanic dolphins and their melons, a fatty organ on the forehead that helps in echolocation, is more fleshy and bigger. Male short-finned pilot whale reaches a length of 7.2 meters while in females; it is up to 5.5 meters. Males are generally heavier than females. They weigh up to an approximate of 3,200 kg. Pilot whales are toothed with about 7 to 9 teeth in each row. Their average lifespan in the wild is 45 years in males and 60 years in females. Pilot whales have a varied diet. Although, they preferably eat squids, they feed on fish, octopus and small animals as well. They eat up to 30 pounds of food a day. Pilot whales tend to live by themselves in groups of over 100 whales deeper waters. They communicate with other members of their groups or pods through vocalization. They are very sociable, with a high level of intelligence and are very easy to train.

Pilot Whales in the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica

There are 150,000 individuals in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean which includes the pacific coast of Costa Rica. Playful and friendly, pilot whales are approached by countless divers and snorkelers. One can see them spy-holing, breeching and singing on the waters of Osa Peninsula, which is located on the southern side of pacific coast. Its national Park, Corcovado, is home to a number of different cetaceans such as Orca whales, false killer whales and of course, pilot whales. Whale watching tours to Coronado Bay, Nicoya Peninsula, Isle de Coco, Marino Ballena National Park in Uvita, Dominical Costa Rica, Violines Island, and Gulf of Papagayo are highly popular with the tourists. Pilot whales are found in a good number in the oceanic waters of Drake Bay, Cocos Island and Golfo Dulce.

[youtube= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqHMTiVcuHc-A]


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