Blue Whale in Costa Rica
October 30th, 2012
Scuba diving is a popular water sport all over the world, from hot climates to cold ones. Listed here are a few scuba sites that we like, as well as a few others. Scuba...
A widespread number of nudibranchs are found in the seas worldwide. They are a member of Nudiabranchia which is a group of marine gastropod mollusks. There are more than 3,000 species of nudibranchs, several...
Mobula Ray are cartilaginous fishes that belong to the family Myliobatidae. They appear similar to Manta Rays, which are also in the same family. They are carnivorous and feed on mollusks, crustaceans and...
Sting rays are a type of cartilaginous fish closely related to sharks. have flattened bodies and variety of colors as well as the ability to dig about in the sand, which facilitates them in successful camouflaging.
Eagle rays belong to the family Myliobatidae, a group of cartilaginous fishes which tend to swim in the ocean rather than settling on the sea bed. They have perfectly patterned body having white spots...
Costa Rica is flourishing with a varied wildlife, and when one goes to snorkel or scuba dives in the waters of Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, they might have a chance to encounter Manta...