Portal to Scuba Diving in Costa Rica Blog

The Whale Shark: Monstrous or Docile?

Whale sharks in Costa Rica are considered to be the biggest fish in the sea! Their length can extend up to 40 feet and some whale sharks can grow even more than that approximate...

Pilot Whales

The seaports on the pacific coast of Costa Rica have become popular among the tourists worldwide. Sunny days, shimmering beaches, a lush prehistoric range of rain-forests, and a vast ocean that is profuse with...

Cow-Nosed Rays in the Pacific Coast

The cow-nosed rays found in the Pacific waters belong to the order Rajiformes and the family Myliobatidae. The scientific name for this specie is “Rhinoptera steindachneri”.

Bottlenose Dolphins in Costa Rica

Many people believe that Costa Rica is known as the dolphin capital of the world. The reason for this is obvious considering the gorgeous Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The place has a marvelous...

False Killer Whales

  If you are looking for a place to view an interesting variety of underwater creatures in a midst of panoramic vistas then head over to the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The azure...

Orca Whales

Killer whales, or Orcinus Orca, are a type of toothed oceanic dolphins that belong to the Family Delpinidae, a family of cetaceans. They are found in all oceans, from the icy Antarctic and Atlantic...