Blue Whale in Costa Rica
October 30th, 2012
The bull shark is a medium to large-sized shark belonging to the family Carcharhinidae. Costa Rica is known to have schools of bull sharks living in various areas, and can be seen by divers...
It has long been noted that Costa Rica is ripe with hammerhead sharks all over its waters. The hammerhead sharks belong to the shark family Sphyrnidae.
Beaked whales are a type of toothed whales that belong to the family Ziphiidae. The cetaceans are well known for their elongated beaks that are somewhat similar to dolphins. They are ultimate divers,...
In the Pacific Ocean and areas surrounding Costa Rica, white tip sharks are often found in abundance. It belongs to the family of requiem sharks, formally called Carcharhinidae.
Whale watching is a popular recreational activity in the pacific coast of Costa Rica. There are numerous sorts of cetaceans residing in the Pacific Ocean that borders a number of regions of Costa Rica....
In the Pacific Ocean’s waters, many schools of barracudas can be found but not easily; these sleek and evil-looking fish tend to be very elusive in their whereabouts. They belong to the order ‘Perciformes’...