Blue Whale in Costa Rica
October 30th, 2012
Considered as one of the greatest and biggest animals ever to live in this planet, the evolution of whales can be traced back to its land-based cousins. Like us humans, they are marine mammals...
Inhabiting the worlds tropical and subtropical waters, triggerfish is composed of about 40 species where most of them are brightly colored with distinctive line markings and spots. Built to crush the hard-protective layer of...
Diving in Costa Rica is known not just for the big stuff like manta rays and bull sharks but also for small creatures like the nudibranch which is known for their extraordinary colors and...
Common Name: Spanish Dancer Scientific Name: Hexabranchus sanguineus Max. Length: 60 centimeters Ave. Length: 20-30 centimeters Diet: Sponges and Tunicates Frequency: Abundant but threatened due to rise in seawater temperature Range: Pacific and Atlantic...
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be underwater during night? There’s only one way to find out: Let’s go night diving. Some people have said that the only difference between diving at...
Not thrilled anymore of diving at 18 meters (60 feet) max and wish to explore deeper sites? Then try deep diving. But before you proceed, you must be aware that diving in deeper waters...