Category: Whales

Blue Whale Tail

Blue Whale in Costa Rica

The blue whales in the Pacific Ocean are majestic creatures renowned all over the world. The scientific name given to the blue whale is “Balaenoptera musculus”.

Bryde’s Whales

  Bryde’s whales in Costa Rica have been termed one of the ‘great whales’ of the entire world. Bryde’s whales in the Pacific Ocean stay because they prefer being in warmer waters as opposed...

Beaked Whales

  Beaked whales are a type of toothed whales that belong to the family Ziphiidae. The cetaceans are well known for their elongated beaks that are somewhat similar to dolphins. They are ultimate divers,...

Sei Whales

Whale watching is a popular recreational activity in the pacific coast of Costa Rica. There are numerous sorts of cetaceans residing in the Pacific Ocean that borders a number of regions of Costa Rica....

Pilot Whales

The seaports on the pacific coast of Costa Rica have become popular among the tourists worldwide. Sunny days, shimmering beaches, a lush prehistoric range of rain-forests, and a vast ocean that is profuse with...