Category: Fish

Blue-Spotted Jack

The blue-spotted jack found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean belongs to the fish family Caringdae. They are considered to be of moderately large sized marine fish in the ocean.

Horse Eyed Jacks

An interestingly named fish in Costa Rica’s waters, the Horse-Eyed Fish is also known as the big-eye fish in a lot of local areas. The scientific name given to this fish is Caranx latus.

The Spadefish

  Spadefish belong to the fish family Ephippidae, and are called “Chaetodipterus faber” scientifically speaking. Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean are rife with these interesting looking spadefish.

Snappers in Costa Rica

Snappers in the marine belong to the fish family named “Lutjanidae”, also called “perciform fish” meaning the largest order of bony fish or fish with vertebrates. The word perciform literally means “perch-like”.

Grunt Fish

Grunts in the Pacific Ocean belong to a huge family that has hundreds of different sub types. Their name is no coincidence, and comes from the pig-like grunting sounds that come from their throats,...

Costa Rica’s Jewfish

Jewfish in the Pacific Coast are given a lot of names by the locals which are used colloquially. It is called the ‘goliath grouper’ in some places and ‘itajara’ in other places.