Blue-Spotted Jack

Blue-Spotted Jack, Panama, Costa Rica

The blue-spotted jack found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean belongs to the fish family Caringdae. They are considered to be of moderately large sized marine fish in the ocean. It is also called the bluespotted trevally/ wide-mouthed trevally and scientifically known as Caranx bucculentus. The blue-spotted jack is most usually spotted in the Pacific Ocean and along the Indian Ocean. These fish are found in tropical waters and seem to prefer these oceans and seas as compared to temperate waters. The blue-spotted jack is an in-shore species which is usually found in environments full of mud, sea grass and sand. Large bays are usually host to schools of blue-spotted jacks. The fish is so named because of the dark blue prominent spots ranging along its upper half along with some very distinguishable physical features. Its anatomy is well defined and marine biologists are very interested with how the blue-spotted jacks are formed. The blue-spotted jack is also known as a benthopelagic predator which means that it inhabits the area just above the bottom of the ocean and it feeds on fish and crustaceans found in nearby areas. Benthopelagic fish usually are categorized in 2 main categories: flabby fish and robust or healthy fish. The flabby fish which are bethopelagic predators are low in overall body mass and their metabolic rate is very slow. They mostly stay in the area they have chosen to inhabit and wait for prey to come directly in their way to feed on them. They will not expend any energy that they don’t absolutely have to. They are lazy fish which prefer staying in one place and waiting for food instead of patrolling the ocean actively like other fish. Benthopelagic fish usually have small brains and they have been found to be low on intelligence and comprehension of their immediate surroundings. The fish that inhabit deeper waters than these flabby benthopelagic fish are called robust fish. They are healthy, strong and very muscular fish which have no trouble fighting against the stronger currents at the bottom of the ocean. These robust benthopelagic fish actively cruise the waters looking for prey and pouncing upon it the first chance they get. They do not lie in wait like the flabby fish; they prefer to set things in motion by being active themselves. Due to living in the strongest currents found in the ocean, the robust benthopelagic fish develop very strong muscles which can enable them to fight against dangerous predators in the Pacific Ocean and waters surrounding Costa Rica. As a baby fish, the blue-spotted jack leans towards devouring crustaceans like crabs, prawns and small shrimp. As they grow older, the blue-spotted jacks mostly focus on fish for food. Bigger fish like snappers become the main diet of the blue-spotted jack. The interesting part about the blue-spotted jack is that it is considered one of the most dangerous fish in the sea, with reference to other fish not human beings. It is a well known predator which is strong and fully capable of defending itself against difficult and bigger fish intent on having it for food.


Caranx bucculentus. Integrated Taxonomic Information System

Alleyne, Haynes G.; William J. Macleay (1877). “The Ichthyology of the Chevert Expedition”.Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1 (3-4): 261–281.

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